西班牙 SICAB 马博会

GRManagement visited SICAB and Spanish breeding farms
GRManagement, a company that provides
management services for breeding and genetic projects in the breeding of
livestock, poultry and crops, recently made a business trip to Spain.
From November 28th to December 3rd, the
GRManagement team, as part of an international delegation, visited the SICAB
exhibition in the province of Sevilla, the largest international Spanish purebred
horse show in the world. The exhibition gathered more than 300 exhibitors among stockbreeders and commercial stands, and
the event received more tan 250.000 visitors from 60 countries.
(Click on image to enlarge)
During the exhibition, the delegation visited
the office of PRE (Spanish purebred horse) which ANCCE is in charge, the Royal
Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders' Association. The delegation got acquainted
with the work on the registration of pedigree certificates of purebred horses
and the genotyping procedure in a specialized laboratory. The GRM team also
separately had the opportunity to visit other animal species farm such as goats
and horses.
Goat breeding farm in Seville
In the province of Sevilla we visited a goat farm belonging to the National Association of Florida Goat Breeders. The farm specializes in the breeding of Florida goats and has more than 1000 goats of this breed with a breeding nucleus for genetic improvement.
Goats of the Spanish Florida breed are a dairy breed, which has good milk yield and quality meat with low fat content, also its skin is used in the manufacture of clothing. The animals are very unpretentious and well adaptable to different climatic conditions.
(Click on picture to enlarge)
In the province of Sevilla we visited a goat farm belonging to the National Association of Florida Goat Breeders. The farm specializes in the breeding of Florida goats and has more than 1000 goats of this breed with a breeding nucleus for genetic improvement.
Goats of the Spanish Florida breed are a dairy breed, which has good milk yield and quality meat with low fat content, also its skin is used in the manufacture of clothing. The animals are very unpretentious and well adaptable to different climatic conditions.
Milk Yield
The goats of the Florida goats of Spanish genetics have a high milk yield. The average milk yield per lactation is 7000 liters, but individual goats can give up to 1500 liters of milk. The milk of these goats is fatty, with a fat content of 4-5%.
Average values of milk productivity, fat and
protein norms of all Florida Breed (Data from the Association)
Prolificity index: 2 | Age of first breeding: 10 months | ||||
MILK YIELD | Lactation (days) | Milk (kg) | Fat (%) | Protein (%) | Dry extract (%) |
Medium controlled production | 304 | 699.75 | 4.27 | 3.19 | 11.63 |
Number of certified lactations of the year 2022: 12 934 |
Average values of the standards for milk yield, fat and protein
Ewes lambing for the second, etc. time | First time lambing ewes | |
Milk (kg) | 667,83 | 469,32 |
Lactations (days) | 285 | 252 |
Fat (%) | 5,04 | 4,92 |
Protein (%) | 3,35 | 3,31 |
The milk
has a pleasant taste and no goat odor, which is ideal for cheese and gourmet products
made from deep-processed milk.
values of milk productivity, fat and protein norms
Number of lactations | Lactation duration (days) | Milk yield (kg) | Fat (%) | Protein (%) | |
First time lambing ewes | 1086 | 256 | 496,08 | 5,08 | 3,64 |
Ewes lambing for the second, etc. time | 2085 | 282 | 699,16 | 4,99 | 3,62 |
Average values | 3171 | 273,48 | 629,61 | 5,02 | 3,63 |
Average milk productivity and lactation productivity in the breeding nucleus
Lactation duration (days) | Milk yield (kg) | Fat (%) | Protein (%) | Dry extract (%) | |
First time lambing ewes | 250,08 | 497,46 | 5,05 | 3,63 | 14,13 |
Ewes lambing for the second, etc. time | 278,41 | 712,29 | 4,95 | 3,61 | 13,97 |
Average values | 268,85 | 639,81 | 4,99 | 3,62 | 14,03 |
Average milk productivity and lactation productivity among the top 25% of breeders
Lactation duration (days) | Milk yield (kg) | Fat (%) | Protein (%) | Dry extract (%) | |
First time lambing ewes | 355,67 | 937,42 | 4,78 | 3,49 | 13,58 |
Ewes lambing for the second, etc. time | 312,38 | 973,78 | 4,73 | 3,52 | 13,67 |
Average values | 316,04 | 970,70 | 4,74 | 3,52 | 13,66 |
The goats of
the Florida breed of Spanish genetics demonstrate good meat productivity. The
meat of these goats is tender and tasty. It is low in fat and cholesterol.
Meat yield | |
Birth weight: 2,5 – 3,5 kg | Slaughter Age: 25 days |
Weight gain / day: 180 g | Slaughter Weight: 8-9 live weight |
Wool Productivity
The goats of the Florida breed of Spanish genetics have good wool productivity. Their wool is fine, soft and silky. It is used for manufacturing wool-containing clothing, shoes and other products.
The Florida breed is characterized by a prolificacy rate of 1.9 for second-borns and 1.5 for first-borns, with a fertility percentage in natural mating of 90% during favorable seasons and 70% during unfavorable long-day periods.
The fertility rate is 63-65% in artificial insemination, which is slightly lower than in other breeds due to high milk productivity.
Goats of this breed are unpretentious in keeping and care. They tolerate hot climate well and can graze on scarce pastures.
Horse breeding farm in Seville
During the
horse-breeding exhibition we visited the horse breeding center for purebred
Arabian horses of Spanish lines, which is a member of the Spanish Association
of Arabian Horse Breeders, specializing in the breeding of Arabian horses and
has more than 50 purebred animals of this breed. We met with the family of the
owner of the center and had a tour of the territory and stalls where the horses
are kept.
The owner kindly told about the Spanish lines of the Arabian breed,
its advantages in the world of horse breeding and willingly answered our
questions. For the team of GRManagement GmbH a dressage of several horses was
shown to demonstrate all their qualities live.
(Click on image to enlarge)
Military equestrian centre in Cádiz
December 4 to 5, the delegation visited several farms with purebred breeding
animals. In addition to visiting the International Horse Show and experiencing
first-hand the unique experience of the interaction between riders and horses,
the delegation visited the Military Equestrian Center in the province of Cádiz
to learn about its role in the breeding and selection of the Purebred Spanish
Horse, to learn about
(Click on image to enlarge)
The highlight of the exhibition was a meeting with Daniel Martín Dockx,
Spanish Olympic rider and trainer of the ANCCE Sports Development Program,
which provided an in-depth look at the characteristics of Spanish purebred
horses from a technical point of view.
As a result of the visit to the exhibition and horse farms, the GRM team
was convinced of the Spanish horses' docile nature and easy learning ability,
as well as their export potential for professionals and horse enthusiasts.
Goat breeding farm in Segovia
The next destination was the province of Segovia, where our team met another Murciano-Granadina goat farm, a member of the Murciano-Granadina National Goat Breeders Association. The farm has more than 1000 goats of this breed.

The owner of the farm is a member of the National Association of Murciano-Granadina Goat Breeders (CAPRIGRAN).
In 210 days of lactation, goats of the Murciano-Granadina breed show high milk productivity, producing 615 kg of milk with high fat (5.6-5.8%) and protein (3.6-3.8%) content. This breed of goat is bred in arid and hot climate conditions where they show high adaptability and stability. The goats have rapid and polycyclic prolificacy, often giving two baby goats per lambing. They are also characterized by good adaptation to different housing and feeding conditions, as well as high milk quality suitable for yoghurt and cheese production. In addition, the Murciano-Granadina breed has a calm temperament, is well adapted to pasture (but it is more adapted to live under intensive conditions) and is highly resistant to disease.
It is important to highlight that these animals have a really good conversion index, which means that they have an efficient use of the feed to maximize growth and milk production.
The high content in fat and protein and the efficiency values makes from that goat a really good choice for cheese production.
Average values of the association
Prolificity index: 2 | Age of first breeding: -8-9 months | ||||
MILK YIELD | Lactation days | Milk (kg) | Fat (%) | Protein (%) | Dry extract (%) |
Medium controlled production | 301 | 671,30 | 4.36 | 3.75 | 15,34 |
Number of certified lactations of the year 2022: 24.174 |
Meat Yield | |
Birth weight: 2 kg | Slaughter age: 30 days |
Weight gain / day: 260-300g | Slaughter weight: 7-8 live weight |
Avileña-Negra Iberica breeding farm
We visited a highland cattle pasture for grazing cattle of the Avileña-Negra Iberian breed. The breeding farm is a member of the Royal Spanish Association of the Avileña-Negra Iberian breed.
Adult weight ranges from 500 to 600 kg in cows and 800 to 1000 kg in bulls. This breed is characterized by uniform black colour with black muzzle or white border, gray-black or white horns with black tips, which allows artificial removal of horns, slate or black hooves, head with wide and slightly concave forehead, muzzle with straight and elongated profile in cows. The main measurements of the breed are: height at the withers is 138 cm -145 cm, middle chest height is 135 cm - 143 cm, croup height is 140 cm - 144 cm, croup length is 54 cm - 58 cm, croup width is 53 cm - 55 cm, chest girth is 200 cm - 225 cm.

Sheep breeding farm in Zamora
On the last day of the trip, the GRManagement team visited a livestock farm, which is a member of the National Association of Assaf Sheep Breeders (ASSAFE), in Zamora, a province 2h far from Madrid. The farm specializes in the breeding and improvement of Assaf sheep and has more than 3000 sheep of this breed. These sheep are characterized by high milk productivity, with long lactations reaching 270 days and often exceeding them, with good adaptation to mechanical milking. The average milk yield in 150 days of lactation is 390 liters. The average milk composition is 6.2% fat and 5.3% protein.
Females are ready for insemination at 7 or 8 months of age, depending on body condition and time of birth. There is a good prolificacy with an average of 1.6 baby goats. They are used mainly in intensive systems where there is a tendency to manage reproduction with one lambing per year, although farms with three lambings in two years are common.
Good growth rate with averages close to 400g per day, with the baby goats reaching 28kg in 80 days.
Although their milk yield is slightly reduced in summer due to decreased feeding in extremely hot conditions, they are able to cope with it. However, in winter, they tend to eat more to compensate for the cold temperatures, resulting in increased production.

Centre for sheep and goat breeding
The final point of the visit was the Sheep and Goat Breeding and Genetic Improvement Center, which deals with the selection and improvement of sheep and goat breeds throughout Spain. There our team was shown the laboratory equipped with the latest technology and was told that breeding work has been carried out for many years using the classical BLUP breeding evaluation and later introduced genomic selection.

The GRManagement GmbH trip to Spain was very successful. The delegation gained an insight into the current advanced breeding methods used in Spain. Our team is now ready to apply all the experience gained to provide even more professional advice.
If you are interested in any Spanish animal breeds, we would be happy to help you learn more about these breeds and make an informed purchasing decision that is best suited for your business.